Synergy: Physiology, Materia Medica and Formulation with Juliette Abigail Carr

Live Dates: Thursdays, November 2nd, 9th, 16th, and 30th (We will not have class on November 23rd) | Class is from 8-10pm Eastern and will be recorded for future viewing

Synergists are herbs that enhance the effects of other herbs in formulation--but they are not one-size-fits-all!

This webinar will help students learn how to choose a synergist to best increase their formulas' effectiveness, in order to improve formulations and get better outcomes in clinical practice. 

Learn the physiology behind synergy, in-depth Materia Medica of commonly used synergistic herbs organized by physiology, and how to use them to create effective formulas.  The emphasis is on WHY and HOW synergists work, to help students apply the material to other herbs they work with, as we practice from different traditions of healing, specialties, and bioregions.

Class 1 Absorption & Solubility

·      Course overview, definitions

·      Herbal pharmacokinetics of absorption

·      Solubility

·      Materia Medica of synergists: absorption

·      Liver & Gut #1

Class 2: Distribution

·      Herbal pharmacokinetics of distribution

·      Materia Medica of synergists: distribution

·      Cardiovascular, Nervous, Pulmonary

Class 3: Metabolism & Filtration

·      Herbal pharmacokinetics of metabolism

·      Materia Medica of synergists: metabolism

·      Materia Medica of filtration

·      Liver #2, Gut #2, Kidney, Lymph

Class 4: Creating Formulas with Synergistic Herbs

Instructor Bio:  Juliette Abigail Carr is a Registered Herbalist and Family Nurse Practitioner. Her practice serves children and adults with body positive, gender affirming, trauma-informed holistic care. Each of us is the utmost authority on our bodies, and our wellness is deeply influenced by race, class, culture, gender, sexuality, intergenerational trauma, and other socioeconomic health determinants. Her goal is for the people she counsels to begin to trace the threads connecting all aspects of their lives to their state of wellness, and to self-empower to maximize their health. These principles form the backbone of her teaching, which is designed to give students the tools they need to understand how to maintain the wellness of their loved ones, instead of simply presenting lists of remedies.

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Disclaimer: The views, information, and/or opinions expressed during these webinars are solely those of the presenter involved and do not necessarily represent those of the American Herbalists Guild. The American Herbalists Guild is not responsible, and does not verify for accuracy, any of the information contained in these webinars. The primary purpose of these webinars is to educate and inform. These webinars do not replace the need for medical or other professional advice or services.