with Kat Maier

In Traditional Chines Medicine, the Water Element or Kidney acts like a pilot light to ignite and vitalize the body and to tend to our vital waters. As we age, we may experience a drying of tissues, membranes, joints and even a brittleness of spirit and mind. This class explores the medicine of the Five Elements, the season of Winter and the Kidney/Bladder with information about how herbs and foods can be used to nourish and replenish the Water Element.  

Bio: Kat Maier, RH(AHG), is founder of Sacred Plant Traditions, in Charlottesville, Virginia.  In clinical practice for over 30 years, Kat teaches internationally at universities, conferences, and herbal schools. She is author of Energetic Herbalism: A Guide to Sacred Plant Traditions Integrating Elements of Vitalism, Ayurveda and Chinese Medicine, which received the Nautilus Gold Medal Award. She also served as the former president of United Plant Savers and is the recipient of the organization’s first Medicinal Plant Conservation Award.