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Patricia Kyritsi Howell's Materia Medica Series

Live Dates:  April 25 & May 2, 9, 16 | 7-9pm Eastern | Join Live or Access Recordings

This webinar series focuses on the herbs of the Southern Appalachian Mountains of North America, a region incredibly rich in biodiversity, boasting a wealth of plant species with medicinal properties. It is estimated that there are over 2,000 species of plants here, many of which have been used for centuries by indigenous peoples, enslaved Africans, and European colonizers for various medicinal purposes. This abundance of medicinal flora makes the Southern Appalachian region a fascinating area for herbalists looking to use regional plant medicines.


And because most of these herbs grow wild outside this region or are cultivated for the commercial market, a working knowledge of Appalachian herbs provides a range of therapeutic options for herbalists. With an eye toward conservation and sustainability issues, this webinar series explores the historical uses of these herbs and provides practical information for using them in a clinical setting.


We will examine about thirty herbs emphasizing native plants and their therapeutic uses. Harvesting recommendations, recipes, and guidelines about how to use them to relieve specific health issues are covered. Drawing from Patricia's experience as a clinical herbalist and years of wandering in wild places, Patricia brings these herbs to life to inspire you to include them in your garden, apothecary, and heart.

Instructor Bio:

Patricia Kyritsi Howell, RH(AHG), is an herbalist, teacher, and author of "Medicinal Plants of the Southern Appalachians," an essential resource for the region's native flora, and director of the BotanoLogos School of Herbal Studies in the mountains of North Georgia, United States. She was at the Herbalist in Residence at the Foxfire Museum and Heritage Center and is currently the academic coordinator for the American Herbalists Guild's annual symposium. She also oversees the AHG Registered Herbalist application review process.


After almost thirty years of clinical practice, she now devotes herself to supporting student practitioners as a mentor through the online course Crafting Your Herbal Practice, which she teaches in collaboration with Kat Maier and Emily Ruff. Patricia is passionate about supporting aspiring herbalists to take their place as essential healthcare workers in their communities. She joins us from her home on unceded Cherokee land in Tiger, Georgia.