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Lucretia VanDyke's Materia Medica Series

Live Dates:  June 3, 10, 17 & 24 | 7-9pm Eastern | Join Live or Access Recordings

This four-week series utilizes Lucretia’s 25 years of knowledge in the wellness industry. She has dedicated her life to working with the plants in her practice, research, travels, and teaching.

Lucretia will focus on 25+ herbs(native, Caribbean, and culinary), their medicinal properties, uses, and how to work with them in various ways. Drawing from her work with ancestral practices, healers in indigenous cultures, and Eastern and Western medical doctors, this series will also deepen your awareness of how the body, mind, and spirit work together and how you as a practitioner can help co-create multi-dimensional holistic protocols with plants for clients with various health issues who come into your practice. 

This interactive series is for the seasoned herbalist, as well as someone just beginning their herbal training journey who wishes to learn more about the herb world in your food, practice, and lifestyle from a different perspective. 

Instructor Bio: 

With a journey that began when she was a little girl mixing herbs, muds, and roots on her grandparents’ farm, Lucretia VanDyke has had a lifelong connection to the plants and been in the wellness industry for over 25 years. One of the foremost experts on southern folk healing arts, her quest for knowledge and interest in the traditional approach to wellness has led her all over the world to learn about herbal remedies and ceremonies of healing from indigenous master healers and study with clinical herbalists and doctors. Holistic Educator, Speaker, Herbalist, Sacred Sexologist, Author, consultant, & world traveler. She has studied with some of the greatest minds of our time. Her focus is on botanical skincare, indigenous healing rituals, a holistic approach to food/herbal medicine, and ancestor reverence by integrating those into modern-day practices. Author of “ African American Herbalism, a practical guide to healing plants and folk traditions “, she brings her vivacious spirit and her message of ancestral connection in herbal practices to inspire others to embrace their unique relationship with the plants.