The Importance of Energetics in Modern Clinical Practice

With the advancements in modern medicine and the phytochemistry of plants, is there still a place for traditional systems of energetics in modern clinical herbal practice? With over 60 years of clinical practice between them, Danny O’ Rawe and Keith Robertson will discuss their experience of using an energetic framework to enliven and enlighten a series of case histories with therapeutic strategies using a Celtic inspired Elemental framework from their own phenomenological research. 

Presenter Bios:

Danny O’Rawe, ND MSc (Herbal Medicine) FIRH, is an herbalist, aromatherapist, and naturopath from Ireland who has been working in the field of natural medicines for more than 30 years. He is a Fellow and former president of the Irish Register of Herbalists, Ireland’s premier association for professional practitioners. He is Registered Naturopath specializing in Nutrition and a member of the General Naturopathic Council in the UK. He is also a member of the American Herbalist Guild and runs an advanced three year Apprenticeship in Belfast. 

Keith Robertson, MSc (Herbal Medicine) FNIMH, joined the UK National Institute of Medical Herbalists in 1990 and served as a Council Member and on their Accreditation board for many years. He co-founded Scottish School of Herbal Medicine in 1992 and has been teaching his particular energetic approach since then. He was awarded a Fellowship of the Institute for his services to herbal education. The School established a world first with its MSc and the associated and highly regarded 4-year BSc Hons degree before stepping back out of academia in 2010 and moving to the Isle of Arran to an Apprenticeship in listening to plants each year in Scotland.