Herbal Tips for Pets with Dr. Laurie Dohmen
Description: This lecture will provide herbalists and pet owners with information about keeping pets and other companion animals healthy. The presentation will focus primarily on preventive medicine, with some basic treatments included. In concert with herbs, we will discuss home cooking for pets and other tips for wellness in animals. Resources for further information and training will be provided.
Bio: Dr. Dohmen, RH(AHG), graduated from UPenn’s Veterinary School. She received training in herbal medicine, acupuncture, food therapy, and Bach flower essences. She received her MS from MUIH. She lectures on veterinary herbal medicine and other wholistic topics. She co-created the only hands-on veterinary herbal medicine course for western veterinary practices in the USA and is published in veterinary journals. Dr. Dohmen is the past President of VBMA and a member of the IVAS, AAVA, AHVMA, and AVMA.