Herbal Support during the Childbearing Cycle

September 3,10, 17, and 24; 7-9 EST

In this 4-part series, we’ll discuss the physiological and psychospiritual changes and challenges associated with the stages of the childbearing cycle: preconception, pregnancy, and the postpartum period. In each class, we’ll cover techniques for assessment, common clinical scenarios, and appropriate herbal options. There will also be a class dedicated to supporting clients who choose assisted reproductive technologies (ART) such as IVF and IUI. You’ll be invited to apply what you’ve learned in case studies and discussions. You’ll leave the series with a wealth of resources, feeling more confident about working with clients who are in these life stages.

Please note that you’ll get the most out of this series if you have a strong understanding of the menstrual cycle. Registered participants will receive a short video refresher and other resources to review if needed before the course begins.


Session 1: Herbal Support for Fertility and Preconception – This session will include a summary of the key points to consider when working with clients who are trying to conceive. We’ll also cover the common physiological and psychospiritual challenges that impede fertility and review herbal strategies to support clients experiencing challenges with fertility.

Session 2: Herbal Support during ART – This session will include a review of the most common ART interventions clients are using, suggestions for how to work with the reproductive endocrinologist and the rest of the care team, and strategies for supporting a client during each phase of ART cycles.

Session 3: Herbal Support during Pregnancy – This session will include a review of the physiological and psychospiritual changes often associated with each trimester of pregnancy, as well as the most common concerns and challenges clients experience during each one. I’ll also share my overall strategies for dosing and herb selection during pregnancy.

Session 4: Herbal Support during the Postpartum Period – This session will include a review of the physiological and psychospiritual changes often associated with the postpartum period (defined as the first year following childbirth). We’ll also cover key points to understand when clients are lactating, as well as herbal options to support clients during this period.