Ganoderma lucidum: Cultivation, Chemistry & Clinical Use in Cancer

with Kevin Spelman & Bill Chioffi

Reishi mushroom or Lingzhi has been used for centuries to address a wide range of health conditions. In this lecture, we'll review organic and traditional cultivation methods, various Ganoderma species and their chemistry, as well as their pharmacological and clinical uses. The application of reishi in age-related health conditions and data on leukocyte changes in cancer patients using reishi will also be covered.


Bios: Dr. Kevin Spelman, MCPP, RH(AHG), is a clinician and researcher specializing in botanical medicine. His experience includes three decades of clinical work (Ayurveda & Western phytotherapy), professorships and a decade of laboratory & clinical research. He was a founder of the first accredited Master’s degree in Clinical Herbal Medicine and formerly a postdoctoral fellow at the National Institutes of Health (NIH) researching the molecular biology of the brain (Trifolium pratense) and ovarian cancer (Ceanothus spp.). He also identified novel cannabimimetic ligands from Zanthoxylum spp. while at NIH. Kevin runs Health, Education & Research, a consulting company for research, new product development, novel formulations and phytochemical applications.

Bill Chioffi, an herbalist who has been working in natural products since 1994, is Nammex's COO. He serves on the board of directors for United Plant Savers, The Sustainable Herbs Program, and Appalachian Forest Farmers. He also represents Nammex on the board of directors of the American Herbal Products Assoc. and the United Natural Products Assoc. and is a member of the Assoc. of Official Analytical Chemists (AOAC). He lives in Asheville, NC, where he still makes his own mushroom and herbal products from scratch.