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Cultivating Resilience: A Holistic Approach to Cannabis, ECS, and Medicine with Dr. Bhodi Tims & John Courie, MS

Live Dates:  May 29 & June 5, 12, 19 | 8-10pm Eastern | Join Live or Access Recordings

Join us for a captivating four-week journey through the realms of cannabis science as we explore the profound potential of the Endocannabinoid System (ECS) in fostering resilience through the use of cannabis and delve into the evidence supporting the medical use of cannabis. We will navigate clinical considerations, from recognizing strains through sensory characteristics to dosing and unique forms. We will take a deep-dive into cannabis extraction techniques covering decarboxylation, winterization, and extraction strategies. Finally, we discuss how to rewild cannabis for better medicinal outcomes,promoting sustainable diversity and novel cannabinoid ratios.

■ Week #1: Linking ECS to resilience using herbs 
During this week we will explore the evidence for medical use of cannabis treatments characterized by how they impact the endocannabinoid system as a resilience factor and review other plant cannabimimetics with the same focus.

■ Week #2: Clinical considerations 
We will investigate current methods for identifying potential medicinal use cannabis strains and how they might be improved. As part of our review, we’ll discuss what we understand about the clinical efficacy of different cannabinoid ratios.

■ Week #3: Cannabis extraction 
In cannabis product development, extraction methods play a large part in driving innovation and efficacy. We will review both traditional and high impact methods being applied.

■ Week #4: Rewilding Cannabis to Make Better Medicine 
In the last week we'll tie it all together with a proposal to experiment with rewilding cannabis to make better medicine and finish up with a discussion around home growing best practices.

Instructor Bio:

Dr. Bhodi Tims is Program Director of the Herbal Product Design and Cannabis Programs at Maryland University of Integrative Health. His research is focused on product development of adaptogen and trophorestorative formulas to build constitutional resilience. In addition, he is Vice-Chairperson Board of Directors, Verax Research Services, Inc., as well as the Scientific Advisor for Vitreon America, Inc. and Care Beyond Diagnosis directing cannabis and herbal product development for the cosmeceutical as well as supplement marketplace. Dr. Tims’ poetry manuscript, The Acoustic Property of Ancient People, was published by Finishing Line Press. He maintains an herbal research blog,

John Courie, MS is clinical herbalist and full time instructor in the Herbal Product Design and Cannabis Science programs at MUIH. He is also the internship coordinator for the Herb Department. In this role he works with external stakeholders to create rich learning opportunities for graduate students in the herbal products industry.

His herbal practice serves clients throughout the midwest and east coast. His therapeutic approach integrates in a modern evidence based perspective on plant therapeutics grounded in the theories of coevolution, synergy, hormesis, and allostatic load with cultural humility and respect for the diverse and vibrant approaches to energetics in herbal medicine. He also provides guidance to farmers on the cultivation of therapeutic herbs at scale on the eastern shore of Maryland. His research interests involve social justice and community empowerment, the endocannabinoid system, hydroponic cultivation of medicinal plants, and how technology affects both the clinical interaction and the student experience.