This presentation covers essential skills that female medic teams need to consider when working in disaster or emergency health situations. We'll discuss personal safety, the security of medical gear and equipment,  provisions for a mobile clinic, and share tips for working collaboratively with both herbal medicine and allopathic providers in any environment. We'll explore how change can be affected by communities from the inside out. You learn how to work one-on-one with community members to empower them with education, skills, and the ability to create their own medic teams and how to integrate sustainable measures in the community you serve that will endure after you leave. Skills for the Female Medic is open to anyone passionate about grassroots health-care regardless of gender or ethnicity.

Presenter Bio:

Suchil Coffman is the Co-Director for The Human Path/Herbal Medics Academy. In addition to writing curriculum and managing programs, she has developed programs centered around sustainability skills, intermediate herbal medicine making, and wilderness medicine for female medic teams in underserved and under-represented populations.